The Japan Society of Quality Assurance (JSQA), incorporated is a non-profit organization founded in 1992. Currently, we have around 1,200 members from 430 companies.

Based on our society’s vision, JSQA has been conducting and developing its activities to contribute to the improvement of the health and welfare of people by transmitting relevant information, developing human resources, and presenting appropriate suggestions on specialized information concerning the quality assurance of drugs and related products.

In Japan, the public need for medical progress, improvement in social welfare, and food safety has been progressively increasing.  Accordingly, research and medical development of innovative pharmaceutical products, medical devices, regenerative medicine products, and chemical products, not only in industries but also in academia, have been vigorously accelerated.  In addition, globalization of R&D facilities, post-marketing production sites, and distribution processes have expanded.

On the other hand, we can obtain the necessary information easily and rapidly across borders through ICT technology, and AI technology actively promote automation.  We should identify and utilize the advantages of these kinds of new technology for the improvement of reliability concerning the quality assurance of pharmaceuticals and related products.

As the President of JSQA, I am aware that it is my responsibility to ensure that the reliability of drugs and related products is maintained at the highest level.  I will fully support the members’ activities, and endeavor to correctly incorporate the advances in technology into the operation of quality assurance.

JSQA will progress further in its activities, and also in its cooperation with regulatory agencies, academia, and related domestic and international organizations.

I sincerely appreciate you support.


Yoshinobu Hirayama
Japan Society of Quality Assurance